Illumination Session


The basic healing process for clearing/removing imprints from the “luminous energy field” (LEF) to initiate healing in the body

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Categories: Shamanic Services

The basic healing process for clearing/removing imprints from the “luminous energy field” (LEF) to initiate healing in the body.

Illumination Session: Embrace the Healing Light

The Healing Light of Illumination

Discover the profound healing power of the Illumination Session, a transformative experience that harnesses the radiant energy of the “luminous energy field” (LEF). This ancient healing process works wonders by clearing and removing imprints from the LEF, paving the way for deep healing and rejuvenation in the body. Embark on a journey of healing as you embrace the illuminating light that infuses your being.

Initiate Deep Healing and Cleansing

With the Illumination Session, embark on a soulful journey to initiate deep healing and cleansing. The luminous energy field holds the key to releasing stagnant energy, emotional imprints, and negative patterns that may have been affecting your well-being. Through this sacred healing process, you will experience a profound sense of release, lightness, and renewal, unlocking the doors to inner harmony and balance.

Embrace the Renewed Self

As the healing light of illumination envelops your being, you will witness the emergence of a renewed self. Experience the joy of letting go of burdens and emotional baggage, paving the way for a brighter, more vibrant life. With each session, the Illumination process opens doors to self-discovery, personal growth, and a deeper connection with your authentic essence.


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