About Rev. Dr. AdaRa Walton Naturopathic Doctor and Reiki Master

Reverend AdaRA L. Walton, N.D., Ph.D
AdaRA L. Walton has a Doctor of Naturopathy and PhD – Natural Health (Clayton College of Natural Health), and is an ordained minister with 7 Reiki masterships in the traditional forms of Reiki* (Usui Karuna), the Japanese modern form, Gendai-ho, Sekhem-Seichim, Lightarian Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and Gold Reiki. She is also as Amanohuna* master (sister energy of Reiki) who teaches and trains people in those modalities. She was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, graduated from John Adams High School (1967) and from Kent State University with B.S. in Education, cum laude, (1971) and M.Ed. in Higher Education & Administration (1972).

Rev. Dr. Walton is the Founder and Director of Heart Bridge Wellness, L.L.C.. Further, she is an Energy Kinesiologist and member of the Energy Kinesiology Association (EKA) where she formerly served on the Board of Directors. She is also nationally certified in Attractor Field Technique (AFT- Dr. Kurt Ebert, Certified Quantum Touch Instructor & Practitioner), Electro-Dermal Screening (Bio Energetix), and is also certified as a “Heart and Soul Practitioner” (Ken Page) which addresses cellular memory and multi-dimensional issues without hypnosis. She served on the faculty of the Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development and worked as an Energy Kinesiologist and Reiki Master for Inner Visions Spiritual Life Maintenance- both founded by Dr. Iyanla Vanzant.

Rev. Walton is devoted to optimal health, self empowerment, and spiritual growth in the area of holistic and integrative health and healing. As such, she enjoys a private practice which uses muscle-testing (Energy Kinesiology), Reiki/Amanohuna, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, music, light, and color to self-empower her clients.
She is currently working toward a Dr. of Divinity in Theocentric Psychology and still enjoying success with her book, entitled Every Body’s Truth: Muscle Testing for the Masses, while residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico.